NucleusCRM's WebFormJS is the easiest way to integrate NucleusCRM with your existing forms, you can start capturing leads within minutes.
Getting Started
Include the WebFormJS JavaScript Library in your web page from either our Content Delivery Network or a location on your server.
WebFormJS can be used on any existing form without altering or affecting it. WebFormJS sends the data in the background while regular form submission functionality is maintained.
To Include WebFormJS directly through NucleusCRM's CDN:
With the code below, WebFormJS attaches itself to the form's OnSubmit event, which allows it to capture the form data before it is posted.
Place this code below the form and replace the two variables with your form id and WebForms Access Key.
You can view or create WebForm Access Keys in
, this requires an account with Administrator permissions.
WebForm Classes
To identify the input fields that you want to capture with WebFormJS, add the corresponding WebForm Class Name.
When a WebForm Class is added to multiple inputs it will append each field in order of its appearance in the form.
Make sure to replace the '<!webform_key!>' tag with your own WebForm Access Key.
You can view or create WebForm Access Keys in
, this requires an account with Administrator permissions.
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